
Sacred Assembly

Television broadcast of Angus Buchan's Sacred Assembly Nov 19th 2016

November 19, 2016 • Angus Buchan

On November 19th 2016, Angus Buchan called a Sacred Assembly to all Christians in South Africa as he felt instructed by the lord earlier this year.
In an interview, Mr Buchan said, "We believe God has given to the Believers in South Africa a commandment and a mandate to gather together in one place, at one time and to repent (say sorry), so that Jesus can heal this land."
So on the Saturday the 19th of November at the largest stadium in South Africa, people from every walk of life came; men, women, old and young, ministers, farmers, sportsmen, housewives, old age pensioners, school teachers, shop keepers, students, businessmen, politicians, the widow and the orphan, the unemployed, miners and fishermen. Yes indeed, the whosoever gathered together before the Lord as a Nation to petition Almighty God to intervene on behalf of His people who are in a desperate situation, fast becoming the laughing stock of the world!.
This is the broadcast from that day.

A Mighty Rushing Wind

September 30, 2012 • Angus Buchan • Acts 2:1–4

What you see in this video is a modern-day Miracle! at the Feast of Tabernacles 2012. After Angus reads Acts 2:1-4 at Ein Gedi there was a "MIGHTY RUSHING WIND!" Everyone agreed that they had never experienced anything like this before! The stage crew pulled everyone off and away. Angus stayed on stage and called upon the Holy Spirit... every time he said "Thank you Lord" the rush became even stronger. It hasn't rained in that region over this period in over 18 years - The rain came down! Everyone was talking and singing in tongues, Holy Ghost 'chaos', Thank you, Lord!

Hope Has Risen

April 7, 2022 • Angus Buchan

What an amazing thing it is to gather and give thanks to a good and loving God! We really enjoyed our time with the community of Douglas as we gathered to give thanks to answered prayer! . Special thanks to Mark Southey from FROG Church Douglas, Wim Van Den Berg and their team for their warm hospitality.

Prayer for Revival & Rain at Kouga Dam

April 2, 2022 • Angus Buchan

It's been a week since we were in the Eastern Cape at the Kouga Dam Wall. What an amazing week it has been. We have received messages from people from all over the Eastern Cape reporting that God has answered our prayers and rain has been falling. God answers our prayers of faith and we give Him all the glory.