
Liberty Series: Appeal to God

July 5, 2024

Transcript: Acknowledging God the Creator as the Source of liberty and the rights of life, liberty, and private property is the only foundation upon which freedom can survive. Our Founders recognized this reality and wisely chose to bend their desires and thoughts into conformity with God’s Plan for society and nations. It’s past time we return to their wisdom. Hello, I’m Sam Rohrer with the American pastors network and another stand in the gap minute. If liberty’s to remain in America, we must once again appeal to the Great Judge of the Universe to hear our pleas and intercede on our nation’s behalf. It’s clear that no nation can survive which rejects God as Creator, Christ as Redeemer, Life as sacred, liberty as a gift of God, and private property rights as a blessing of God. Join with us at stand in the gap radio and tv and appeal to the God of heaven in holy submission and asking Him to intercede. Our freedom depends on it. Stand with us at stand in the gap media dot org.