
Liberty Series: God - Source of Rights

July 3, 2024

Transcript: In our Declaration of Independence, not only did our Founders recognize that civil liberty starts with spiritual freedom, but that God is the Creator of all things. Recognizing God as Creator is essential if freedom’s to endure in our land. Hello, I’m Sam Rohrer with the American Pastors’ network and another Stand in the gap Minute. Endowed by our Creator is the core of America’s civil freedom. If Created by God in His image, then He gave us the faculties to know and obey our Creator. If created, then we didn’t evolve, or mere accidents in time, but human beings with value, purpose and the ability to enjoy God’s creation. If created, then endowed or given the rights to life, liberty, and the enjoyment of private property, rights from God to be protected by government. Not rights from government to be manipulated and trampled. Join with us at Stand in the Gap radio and Tv and stand for freedom by recognizing God as Creator the giver of all rights. Stand with us at stand in the Gap media dot org.