
Marriage Reminder Series: One-Man, One-Woman

May 15, 2024

Transcript: Today marks the midpoint of our emphasis on marriage. This week, I’m sharing 5 biblical principles in the defense of marriage because strong marriages yield strong families and strong families yield strong nations. Hello, I’m Sam Rohrer, with the American Pastors Network and another Stand in the Gap Minute. First, marriage is God’s idea. Second, its society’s foundational institution of authority. The third principle presumes one man and one woman -united and committed - as one flesh – before God. No other combination works in God’s plan. Therefore, no government possesses the authority to legally alter or redefine marriage or family possessing no more moral or civil authority to redefine marriage than to declare invalid Natural Law, or arrogantly declare to be legal such immoral actions as bribery, abortion, or rape. Will you join with us at Stand in the Gap Radio and TV and embrace, defend, and live out God’s plan for marriage of one man and one woman? Visit us at American Pastors Network dot net.

Fathers Day Series: Speak Up Fathers

June 10, 2024

Transcript: Where are the fathers? Hello, I’m Sam Rohrer with the American Pastors Network and another Stand in the Gap Minute. A generation ago, the Supreme Court defied the God of heaven and declared legal the murder of our babies - and our fathers were silent. When the 10 Commandments were declared to be poison to our children’s minds - our pastors were silent. When the Courts and Culture continue to attack God’s model for family by redefining marriage and human sexuality, why is there such continuing silence? At APN, we believe that God’s judgment on our nation is in part because fathers and pastors a generation ago refused to oppose evil and actively resist tyranny. The question is, what will our pastors and we as fathers do now? As Mordecai said to Esther of old, if we are silent now, evil will prevail and freedom lost. Fathers… join with us at stand in the Gap radio and TV and resist evil. This is no time to be silent. Stand with us at American Pastors Network dot net.

Hating What God Hates Series: Don’t Choose Death

June 7, 2024

Transcript: Choosing to love what God loves, obey what God commands and hate the sin God hates brings the beautiful reward of life and blessing to one generation and the next. But choosing to disobey God and love sin also brings a reward- but a horrible one. Hello, I’m Sam Rohrer with the American Pastors Network and another Stand in the Gap Minute. Deut. 30:15 says, See, I have set before you this day, life and good, death and evil. Obey my commands, judgments and statutes and you will live. You will be blessed and your children. But if you disobey my commands and love evil instead of loving Me and choose to sin over choosing to obey, then I will denounce you. You will perish and your life will be shortened. And God repeated, I’ve given you a choice – life or death, blessing or cursing. Choose life and live. Join with us at stand in the Gap radio and TV do what God desires, choose life and live. Stand with us at American Pastors Network dot net.

Hating What God Hates Series: Choose Life

June 6, 2024

Transcript: The Bible makes it clear. Loving God is always evidenced by loving what God loves, doing what God says, and hating sin like God hates sin. The rewards of loving God and doing what He says are enormously wonderful. Hello, I’m Sam Rohrer with the American Pastors Network and another Stand in the Gap Minute. God records in Deut. 30:15 -16, See, I have set before you this day, life and good… I command you to love the LORD your God, keep His commandments and statutes and judgments. In other words, obey God in all things, not just some. All of them. No picking or choosing. But here’s the reward. If you choose to love God, do what He says and hate what He hates, you will live and be blessed. God implores His people to choose life so we and our children may be blessed and live. Join with us at stand in the Gap radio and TV in loving what God loves, choose life and live. Stand with us at American Pastors Network dot net.