
5/18/22 - The Scourge of Human Trafficking

Modern Day Slavery at its Worst

May 18, 2022 • Guests: Janelle Esbenshade, Megan Fulmer

The Scourge of Human Trafficking: Modern Day Slavery at its Worst. Sam Rohrer and Gary Dull are joined by Janelle Esbenshade (North Star Initiative). Megan Fulmer (Certified Clinical Trauma Specialist in Sex Trafficking and Exploitation). Topics discussed include: Defining the Problem – Establishing the Mission. The Trauma of Trafficking: The Gateway to Slavery, The Hurdles to Recovery. Embracing the Solutions.

If you need help or know anyone that needs help in dealing with human trafficking contact the National Human Trafficking Hotline at: 1.888.373.7888 or go to northstarinitiative.org