
Tuesday, September 28, 2021 - God is...Series: God is Good

September 28, 2021

Not only is God holy- He is good. Both are characteristics we should celebrate and imitate. But, how can we live according to God’s goodness in our lives? The answer is found in our attitude of worship. Hello, I’m Sam Rohrer with another Stand in the Gap Minute. When King Solomon prayed to God in 2 Chronicles 6:41, he said “let your saints rejoice in your goodness.” When we understand God’s goodness in our lives, our response should be worship. This isn’t just about songs we sing during a church service, but a heart filled with gratitude for who God is and how He is working in our lives. In our busy lives, we often live in our own strength and forget it is the Lord who blesses and guides our efforts. Let’s take time today—and everyday—to worship God for His goodness and watch the way it changes not only our lives but those around us. Discover more at American Pastors Network dot net.