
It's a Matter of Life or Death: Scott Klusendorf gives a Pro-Life Update

February 7, 2021 • Sam Rohrer, Gary Dull, Scott Klusendorf

When the Israelites were delivered from Egypt through a miraculous display of God’s power, they found themselves in the wilderness-a mixed multitude of people with very little leadership and even fewer laws. God, in His wisdom, gave them 10 commandments to be obeyed, the sixth of these which says, “Thou shalt not MURDER”.

On this program we'll be talking about this commandment and how it relates to the sanctity of life-more specifically to the unborn.

The Egyptian culture from which the Israelites fled was pagan to its core. Burnt sacrifices of their own children to their god, Molech, spoke volumes of their value of life. Pharaoh’s hideous command to throw newborn Hebrew baby boys into the Nile river was no less than an attempt at genocide-an attempt which ultimately failed.

You would think with the advancement of civilization would come an instinctive aversion to killing one’s young, yet today, society does so in some of the most barbaric ways.

During this program we’ll be reminded that the battle for the lives of the unborn rages on. We’ll evaluate this current cultural crisis and hopefully inspire you to re-engage in the pro-life cause- because it’s truly a matter of life and death.

Host: Sam Rohrer
Co-host: Dr. Gary Dull
Guest: Scott Klusendorf, Founder and President of the Life Training Institute