
Monday, August 31, 2020 - Racing to Revival Series: Requires Movement

August 31, 2020

Our spiritual lives cannot be static; we must move to win the spiritual race God has set before us.
A Michigan mom known for running 100 mile ultra-marathons chose a creative response after her race was cancelled due to COVID 19. Instead of sitting at home, she mapped a course INSIDE her home. 106 laps equaled one mile, and she finished the entire race without leaving her house. While we may not be called to run a physical race within our home, we are called to a spiritual running event. Hebrews 12:1 teaches we are to "run with endurance the race set before us." A static Christianity does not accomplish God's will. He has a plan for each of us that includes forward momentum and faithful endurance. Don't be discouraged by the setbacks you face. Run with endurance today.