
The Serious Stakes of the Upcoming Election

October 18, 2020 • Gary Dull, Dave Kistler, Jim O'Bryon

If we say someone leans to the right-politically, what do we mean? Conversely, if we say someone leans to the left-what do we mean? Most of us identify the right with Conservative Judeo-Christian values and the left as being more liberal-taking a progressive position politically.

But would you be surprised to hear that the Bible has something to say about the right and the left that actually corresponds with our political parties today? It might not sound legitimate, but our guest on today’s program is going to share from his own personal Bible study on this topic, and then we’ll discuss some of the positions held by the left and the right leading up to the general election.

These positions clearly define what’s at stake in this election and if you’re not sure where your party stands on the issues important to you-you’ll want to listen to this episode of Stand in the Gap Weekend!

Host: Dr. Gary Dull
Co-host: Dave Kistler
Guest: Jim O'Bryon