
Wednesday, Dec. 1, 2021 - If My People Pray Series: If My People--Pray

December 1, 2021

II Chron 7:14- God’s remedy for national judgment- including America – is revival- and God’s people hold the key. Hello, I’m Sam Rohrer with the American Pastors Network and another Stand in the Gap Minute. This week we’re identifying God’s requirements for revival and what God requires of us before He’ll answer our prayers. His third mandate is, “IF MY PEOPLE … SHALL HUMBLE THEMSELVES AND PRAY.” This Prayer isn’t just individual, it’s national. Far more than just praying for relief from divine judgment, it’s praying in repentance with confession of personal and national sin. It’s praying in obedience on bended knee in humility responding to God’s repeated warning signs in the weather. Are you unashamed to be called a Christian? Are you praying in obedience on bended knee in repentance or just selfishly asking God to turn off judgment and turn on blessing? Would you join with us at Stand in the Gap Radio and TV and together humble ourselves before God so He’ll hear and answer? Visit us at American pastors network dot net and sign up