
Monday, Jan. 6, 2020 - Pro-life Series: Created in God's Image

January 6, 2020

On January 24, thousands of pro-life activists, organizations, and individuals will gather in Washington, D.C. to demonstrate their support for the sanctity of human life. Whether we like it or not, this issue has become the defining issue of our time. As Christians who take God’s Word to be the moral authority in our lives, the pro-life movement should be near and dear to our hearts. If the law cannot protect life at its most helpless and vulnerable state in the womb, it stands to reason that eventually the status of life at any stage will hang in the balance, insignificant and powerless. This week’s Stand in the Gap minute series will challenge you to pray and act for the voiceless among us. May it never be said of us that we were unwilling to sacrifice for the sake of the children that might have been.