
Thursday, Nov. 11, 2021 - God's Prayer Requirements: Pray with Faith Believing

November 11, 2021

Prayer can be powerful – and God wants us to pray, but, He demands that it be done His way – a clean heart, according to God’s will and praying with faith believing! How often do we come to God in prayer but don’t really expect Him to answer? Hello, I’m Sam Rohrer, President of the American Pastors Network. At APN, we place great value on prayer – because God does. Christ said in Matt 21: 22, “..whatsoever you ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.”. Christ told His disciples, when you pray in faith – truly believing God that can answer, you can do great things -- even move mountains! The opposite is also true. Little faith, little power. Sometimes we don’t see answers to prayer because we don’t really believe God can or will answer. From now on, let’s pray in power, clean, obedient and in faith believing because God can and will answer according to His will just like He promised – even move the mountains.