
Friday, Nov. 11, 2022 - Rumors of War Series: Matthew 24:6 - Living Ready

November 11, 2022

One growing trend in our society is an entire industry developed around emergency preparedness. Ads warn viewers to stockpile food and prepare a plan for a time of future disaster. While physical preparation is wise but temporary. Spiritual preparation is essential and eternal! Hello, I’m Sam Rohrer with another Stand in the Gap Minute. This week, we’ve looked at what Jesus said about future wars, rumors of war and other end times warnings. Jesus told us not to be alarmed, that these conflicts must take place, and that these wars are not the end. In Matthew 24:45, Jesus used a parable to highlight our response. He asked, “Who then is the faithful and wise servant?” Our response to conflict is not fear; it’s faithfulness. We must serve and not swerve. We must stand in faith not fall in fear. Observing Christs warnings should drive us to clarity and holiness, not confusion and paralysis.