
God's Requirements for Answered Prayer

March 15, 2020

March 15, 2020 • Sam Rohrer, Keith Wiebe, Joe Green

If you’ve ever read the book of Leviticus in the Bible, you know that the theme of this book is to demonstrate the holiness of God-His perfection of character and wisdom.

Everything related to the creation of the tabernacle-it’s altars, curtains, utensils, and even the kind of incense used was to be made a certain way with certain materials.
All of these were in preparation for the Israelite people to worship God, to experience His glory and to seek His forgiveness from sin.

The Bible says in the New Testament book of Hebrews-we no longer have to enter a tabernacle, present a sacrifice, or depend upon priests to intercede for us. The author writes that we can now enter the presence of God through a new and living way. The blood of Jesus Christ-applied to all who believe in him, has torn the vale of separation between us, and we can now pray to Him anywhere, anytime, and for any reason.
While we no longer need to observe Levitical customs or laws, there are, however, four principles we must observe if we’re to see God hear and answer prayer.