
Trump, the 2020 Election, and the Changed Christian Vote

November 29, 2020 • Sam Rohrer, Gary Dull, George Barna

In a stunning election outcome, now over three weeks ago, Republicans delivered victories of every House seat up for grabs, plus maintained their majority in the Senate. Instead of a blue wave, a red tsunami took over all but the presidency at this point.

While we’re still waiting for the outcome of the Whitehouse race, I’m here to encourage conservatives to continue praying and waiting on God to see what He’ll do!

On today’s program, we’re going to air an interview we had with George Barna, founder of the original Barna group and current Professor at Arizona Christian University. As the Director of the Cultural Research Center there on the university campus, his group recently released a new survey we want to examine in light of the recent election.

The title of the study was “President Trump Will Get Overwhelming Support from Conservative Christians in 2020 – But for Different Reasons than in 2016.”

What are those “different reasons” and did they make an impact in this year’s election?
That's what guest, George Barna, will be talking about on this program.

Host: Sam Rohrer
Co-host: Gary Dull
Guest: George Barna