
Monday, July 19, 2021 - Integrity Series: The Importance of Integrity

July 19, 2021

King David asked God to preserve him in “integrity and uprightness.” What’s this mean for us—and for our nation—today? Hello, I’m Sam Rohrer with another Stand in the Gap Minute. David’s emphasis in Psalm 25 should be our desire as a foundation for national renewal today. We can’t expect God to work through us in power when we don’t live before Him in integrity. Unfortunately, the importance of integrity is mocked in our society. The word “integrity” comes from a Latin word meaning complete or whole. It’s living with unconfessed sin before God and in honesty before others. Jesus called it living with a pure heart. Biblical integrity’s built on the Truth of God’s Word. As you seek God’s blessing in your life, remember the necessity of walking with integrity before Him. His plan for integrity is found in the pages of Scripture. Through it, God will preserve you—as He did King David.. Discover more at American Pastors Network dot net.