
All Eyes on Jerusalem: Prophecy Unfolding

February 2, 2020

February 2, 2020 • Sam Rohrer, Gary Dull, Dr. Jimmy DeYoung

This past week, President Trump met with key political leaders to present his peace plan for Israel and the Palestinians. Whether or not this deal will be accepted by both parties remains to be seen, but what we do know is that the Bible makes it clear-God’s people, the Jewish nation in Israel are at the center of history both now and forever.

This program contains a Middle East update with frequent guest and friend of our ministry, Dr. Jimmy DeYoung. There are exciting and important things happening in Israel-headline making news that students of prophecy will want to know about.

The World Holocaust Forum Day which took place in Jerusalem, President Trump’s peace plan, and intriguing developments between Russian President Putin, the Palestinians, and Iran are just a few of the events discussed on this program.

Host: Sam Rohrer
Guest: Dr. Jimmy DeYoung