
Tuesday, June 1, 2021 - Memorial Day Series- True Heroes: “Great in Trust”

June 1, 2021

Transcript: This week, we’re commemorating true heroes – the kind we need today. From the time I was young, Daniel -the Politician and Prophet – was my hero. Kidnapped, orphaned, sexually abused, and relocated to a foreign, idolatrous nation, Daniel stood the test of character by purposing in his heart to trust God -even as a boy. Hello, I’m Sam Rohrer with the American Pastors Network and another Stand in the Gap Minute. True heroes are great because they trust in God. For Daniel, God gave him great wisdom and understanding. Exalted to Vice-President of Babylon, he served powerful kings. His colleagues tried to destroy him – but found him blameless. Though his godly life made him a target and even in his old age ended him in a lion’s den- Daniel served God faithfully and trusted God implicitly. He was unwavering in his trust – a true hero. How about you? Would you join us at Stand in the Gap Radio and TV, walk by faith and trust in God? Visit us at American pastors network dot net