
The Persecuted Church in America

August 30, 2020 • Gary Dull, Dave Kistler

Matthew 5:10 lists the final beatitude Christ gave in His sermon on the Mount. “Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven”. This promise throughout the ages has encouraged and strengthened those who were about to undergo much suffering and many trials because of their faith in God.

Thankfully, this promise still holds true for us today, as increasingly we’re seeing state and local governments enforce restrictions on how and where we can worship.

While we’ve discussed persecution abroad-which is devastating, and ongoing-we haven’t explored the developing situation on the ground for many Pastors and churches in the wake of COVID-19 policies right here in America.

Even now-some are finding themselves defending their right to worship in court-a right clearly defined in the US Constitution and adhered to throughout the history of our nation.

Stand in the Gap radio hosts, Gary Dull and Dave Kistler discuss this issue on this enlightening program of Stand in the Gap Weekend.