
Islam and Public Schools: A Threat to Freedom

October 13, 2019

October 13, 2019 • Sam Rohrer, Gary Dull, Richard Thompson

The stated goal of Islam is to establish a worldwide Caliphate-which is an area ruled by the laws of Islam otherwise known as Sharia law. The means used to achieve this end have historically been violent, treacherous, and murderous.

This program will add another category of means used to subjugate the enemies of Islam-one which hasn’t been publicly recognized for its insidious nature, the indoctrination of our public-school teachers and students with Islamic propaganda, all at the tax- payers expense.

Schools throughout the US are allowing Muslims to come into the classroom and teach their own version of American history, victimization, and superiority. Under the guise of diversity training and multiculturalism teaching, our school children are learning the five pillars of Islam, how to recite the Shahada, and what the Q’uran has to say about the rituals and observances required by Sharia law.

While students are no longer allowed to pray aloud or read their Bible in class, entire mandatory school sessions are dedicated to Islamic awareness.

Our guest on today’s program, Richard Thompson, President and Chief Counsel of the Thomas More Law Center in Michigan, is going to expose what’s really happening in today’s public schools.

Host: Sam Rohrer
Co-host: Gary Dull
Guest: Richard Thompson