
Biblical Expectations for Godly Fathers

June 30, 2019

June 30, 2019 • Isaac Crockett, Sam Rohrer, Gary Dull

George MacDonald, nineteenth century author and poet, once wrote this, “Fatherhood is the core of the universe”. What did he mean by this and if correct, wouldn’t the unimaginable impact of a father’s relationship to his children be consequentially earth shaking?

As believers, we know God’s design for families is a father and mother, raising children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. And that those children would continue the cycle so there will be future generations who’ll witness and testify to His goodness at all times in every place.

We also know that Satan hates the idea of fatherhood. The destruction of the family and it’s resulting decay of society is his delight. The assault on parents in our own country has been devastating and we’re now reaping the disastrous effects of the rebellious 60’s and 70’s, the sexual revolution and the rise of feminism.

This program focuses on 5 things fathers must teach their children from Deuteronomy 6 so that they will follow the Lord with all of their hearts.

Host: Isaac Crockett
Co-hosts: Sam Rohrer, Gary Dull