
The Corona Virus: What We Know

February 23, 2020

February 23, 2020 • Sam Rohrer, Gary Dull, Dr. Jane Orient

In 1918 the Spanish Flu epidemic affected almost 27 percent of the world population resulting in a death toll of quite possibly over 100 million people.

Hopefully, when you hear those kinds of horrific numbers, you're thankful once again we’re not living in the early part of the twentieth century.

However, the threat from epidemics and pandemics is far from over. Recent reports concerning the Corona virus coming out of the Wuhan province in China has many people wondering if we’re going to experience another ‘Spanish Flu’ type disaster; and while all accounting seems to reveal a low death toll compared to confirmed cases, China hasn’t exactly been forthcoming with information about what’s really happening on the ground.

Whatever the case may be, our guest on this program, Dr. Jane Orient, is a member of the American Association of Physicians and Surgeons and thus speaks from experience.

Host: Sam Rohrer
Co-host: Dr. Gary Dull
Guest: Dr. Jane Orient