
The Emerging COVID Passports: Highway to Heaven or a Gateway to Hell?

April 18, 2021 • Sam Rohrer, Leo Hohmann

Did you know that to date, 67 million, or approximately 20 percent of the 328 million people in America have been fully vaccinated with the so called COVID ‘vaccine’? Even more have had the first shot in this initial round of dosages for seniors, front line healthcare workers, and others at risk from this illness.

While many are hopeful about the vaccine’s efficacy, and many see it as the gateway to a return to normalcy, lurking in the shadows of this seeming answer to a deadly virus is a diabolical plan to use this vaccine for nefarious purposes.
For a long time we’ve seen the clues and read the agenda of globalists and their desire to unify the world under the banner of a soft totalitarianism that would appear benevolent but is in truth completely intolerant of any who would resist it.

For those who’ve challenged the masking orders, the lockdowns and other COVID policies, this next phase of dictatorial mandates likely requiring vaccines for ALL individuals is going to be a problem of epic proportions.

The so-called Vaccine Passport will make its way onto the scene-forever changing America’s way of life and turning what was once a beacon of freedom to the world, into a nanny state similar to Communist China.
Your vaccine passport stored on your smartphone will contain all the health information and more you’ll need to access the basic necessities of life and also prove your loyalty to the those in positions of power.

Sounds a lot like the end times doesn’t it? We’re going to talk about all this and more with our guest, Leo Hohmann, in this episode titled, “The Vaccine Passport: Highway to Heaven or a Gateway to Hell.”