
A Convention of States: A Constitutional Firewall Against Socialism

May 5, 2019 • Sam Rohrer, Dave Kistler, Dr. Gary Dull, Tom Coburn

According to a recent Gallup study, 60% of all Americans believe the federal government has too much power. We’re increasingly concerned over the future of our country under the behest of dishonest, irresponsible and even juvenile bureaucrats who’re making decisions that affect our civil and religious freedoms.

It’s clear our Founding Fathers foresaw the time would come when government would grow too big and powerful. Article Five in the Constitution gives states the right to organize a Convention and propose needed amendments that would restore the balance of power between the branches of government. It’s called a Convention of States and it’s what our guest, former US Senator, Tom Coburn is going to talk about on this program. He'll explain how the process works, why it’s needed, the end goal and what you can do to help raise awareness and support for this growing movement.

Host: Sam Rohrer
Co-hosts: Dave Kistler, Gary Dull
Guest: Tom Coburn