
Shade : Introduction

Message Series

November 6, 2022 • Pastor Derrick Golden • Hebrews 12:14–15, Psalm 34:14, John 20:23, 2 Corinthians 2:11

The objective of this series of lessons is to activate your faith to address tough conversations that have separated or prevented you from living in the freedom that Christ came for you and I to have to put you in a place of perpetual freedom from SHADE!


What is shade? Why does it happen? How do you handle it?

How do you heal it? What does scripture say about it?

What is the biblical way to handle this phenomenon?


- Shade is a subtle sneering expression of contempt or disgust with someone, acting in a casual or disrespectful manner towards someone/dissing a friend

- Shade is non-committal – "...I’m not saying it is, I’m not saying it isn’t…I’m just saying..."

- Shade is staining or defiling someone with humor or a snide comment

- Shade is a type of innuendo – two people talking and another one walks by and says "...mmmmmmmmnnn…."

- Shade alludes to, but does not directly address

- Shade insinuates at thing without declaring a thing, issue, or situation.

This creates avoidance, awkward situations, tensions, stressful encounters, and the big summation of all of these things is offence and because we get offended, instead of confronting, we carry the offence and subsequently throw SHADE directly or indirectly.

Satan’s objective is to get us to believe that we have been offended so that he can get the advantage on us.

More from Shade

Shade : Own It

November 27, 2022 • Pastor Derrick Golden • John 5:2–9, John 5:14, Philippians 4:6–7

The objective of this series of lessons is to activate your faith to address tough conversations that have separated or prevented you from living in the freedom that Christ came for you and I to have that puts you in a place of perpetual freedom from SHADE and Offense! Because... - You cannot live offended - You cannot serve God and fear and be free - You cannot have a fulfilled life having a "successful" relationship with anxiety What is shade? "...shade is a subtle sneering expression of contempt or disgust with someone, acting in a casual or disrespectful manner towards someone/dissing a friend..." Satan’s objective is to get us to believe that we have been offended so that he can get the advantage on us. "Dealing with SHADE and offence is common to the human experience and must be confronted; otherwise many believers will be overtaken and live intimidated into avoidance and anxiety versus the courageous victorious life." What do you do when they have offended you, threw shade on you - or don’t have the courage and maturity to communicate in a healthy manner to confront the issue because they cannot overcome anxiety’s grip to have a fruitful life and relationship? "...what do you do when the person who won’t own their issue is you? When the enemy is kicking your butt with pride or guilt and shame, having you in the mindset, that all you want is to get past this! -- Pride makes you minimize the other persons feelings and reasons and maximize yours – you got to own your issue. -- Guilt causes you to apologize waaay too long and eventually you find yourself fading off into isolation. Once in isolation the enemy will then point out your innocence – we are not able to support being guilty long term – this is where you owned it, but you don’t get free, you are bound by the guilt – Jesus wasn’t enough… -- Shame causes you to hide, hurt inside, fatigue in this area, will have you blame shifting, and build monumental scenarios to support your distance – but you got to own your issue! "Owning it means - I humble myself to the reality that my actions (intentional or unintentional) caused pain and or brought offense to another…when my goal is not selfish, I have compassion on the other person, humble myself and consider them…"

Shade : Intimidation (Anxiety)

November 20, 2022 • Pastor Derrick Golden • Isaiah 59:19, Proverbs 12:25, 1 Peter 5:7, 2 Timothy 1:7, Philippians 4:6–7

The objective of this series of lessons is to activate your faith to address tough conversations that have separated or prevented you from living in the freedom that Christ came for you and I to have to put you in a place of perpetual freedom from SHADE! What is shade? "...shade is a subtle sneering expression of contempt or disgust with someone, acting in a casual or disrespectful manner towards someone/dissing a friend..." Satan’s objective is to get us to believe that we have been offended so that he can get the advantage on us. "Dealing with SHADE and offence is common to the human experience and must be confronted; otherwise many believers will be overtaken and live intimidated into avoidance and anxiety versus the courageous victorious life." "...Jesus dealt with intimidation shade on several occasions in his day and it was all to try and get Him to stop and not fulfill purpose." - Matthew 12:38 – the religious leaders wanted a sign - Matthew 13:55 – his homies - Matthew 11:2 – 3 – from his cousin nem' - Luke 23:36 – 37 – even on the cross they tried Him "This kind of SHADE can be devastating and give birth to an enemy called ANXIETY that has the power to put your life’s progress in “idle”, all the potential but no power…" -- "Anxiety – is similar to fear, except anxiety brings with it heaviness,..." -- "Anxiety is...used to intimidate the believer out of the promises of God." -- "Anxiety is fear and fear is a spirit and this is not from GOD!" -- "Anxiety will drive you into a place where you never want to come out..." -- "Anxiety will cause you to live this life of avoidance of truth..." But the word of God tells us in Philippians 4:6–7 tells us God’s heart concerning you. You can do something about this now 1. Stop carrying worry with you – Proverbs 55:22 2. Stop looking at your life through your abilities – Matthew 6:25 3. Start trusting God in areas that you don’t trust Him – 1 Peter 5:7

Shade : Grow-Up

November 13, 2022 • Pastor Derrick Golden • Psalm 34:14, John 20:23, 2 Corinthians 2:11, 1 Peter 2:2, Ephesians 4:15

The objective of this series of lessons is to activate your faith to address tough conversations that have separated or prevented you from living in the freedom that Christ came for you and I to have to put you in a place of perpetual freedom from SHADE! What is shade? "...shade is a subtle sneering expression of contempt or disgust with someone, acting in a casual or disrespectful manner towards someone/dissing a friend..." Satan’s objective is to get us to believe that we have been offended so that he can get the advantage on us. "...if you are easily offended... you could become a SHADY person unintentionally, or a time bomb waiting to explode and what you spew on people will not be for the benefit of the Kingdom of God it will be your opinion for the benefit of what you throw SHADE on to discredit. In this arena of life, we need to grow, not grow up as if we are dismissing what we have been through wasn’t traumatic or dramatic, but grow as a person so that the drama and trauma doesn’t get to have control over our lives."