
She was relying on other people... but Jesus changed everything

Sonya shares her story of being betrayed by religion as a child, to growing up and only attending church because of others. Then, she discovered the real Jesus.

"I choose to be a slave to the Lord..." because Jesus Changes Everything

April 27, 2024

Sam shares his story of his struggle growing up, enduring football and sports-related injuries, finding his purpose in life, and joining a church family that would support him

She searched for a father... yet Jesus changed everything

Deb shares her story of growing up in a tumultuous household and how she found safety in the church, to adulthood and searching for a father figure.

They sought a bible-based church... and Jesus Changed Everything

Randy and Diane share their stories, tracing Jesus' hand through their lives. When their pastor moved to another state, they began to search for a new church family.