
Jesus Changes Everything

"I choose to be a slave to the Lord..." because Jesus Changes Everything

April 27, 2024

Sam shares his story of his struggle growing up, enduring football and sports-related injuries, finding his purpose in life, and joining a church family that would support him

She searched for a father... yet Jesus changed everything

Deb shares her story of growing up in a tumultuous household and how she found safety in the church, to adulthood and searching for a father figure.

They sought a bible-based church... and Jesus Changed Everything

Randy and Diane share their stories, tracing Jesus' hand through their lives. When their pastor moved to another state, they began to search for a new church family.

She only knew legalism, he only knew pain... yet Jesus Changes Everything | Testimony Video

Jesus Changes Everything

John and Jessica grew up in two completely different environments. Yet through Jesus's transforming power, they found each other and have grown together in knowledge and faith.

His grandfather raised him, she was diagnosed... yet Jesus Changes Everything | Testimony Video

Jesus Changes Everything

RC and Carol share their story. From RC's past being neglected by his father to Carol's dire diagnosis, God was faithful through all their struggles.

She was hurt, he was uncertain... yet Jesus changed everything | Testimony Video

Jesus Changes Everything

Laura was hurt and abandoned and shares how God triumphed and showed his greatness through her life. David was uncertain of marriage and shares how God made his path clear.

She lived in a broken home, he was in the service... yet Jesus Changed Everything | Testimony Video

Jesus Changes Everything

Sam and Donna share their stories. From Donna's childhood living in a broken home, to Sam's journey to faith in the service, they met and Jesus changed their life!

He is a survivor, she grew up in the church... yet Jesus changes everything | Testimony Video

Jesus Changes Everything

Jud and Pam share their testimony of how they grew up in the church, met, and then had to move. Through it all, Jesus has been faithful! Check out our website: https://allendalebaptist.org Follow us on Facebook: https://http://www.facebook.com/growabc Follow us on Instagram: https://http://www.instagram.com/growabc

He had no rules or discipline... yet Jesus Changes Everything

Jesus Changes Everything

Don shares the story of how he lost his mother at a young age and grew up without any structure, yet eventually came to know and love Jesus

Jesus changed him before he was a believer... because Jesus Changes Everything

Jesus Changes Everything

Joe shares his story of how he came to faith in Jesus and the people involved in his life.

They fell in with the wrong crowds... yet Jesus changes everything

Jesus Changes Everything

Isaiah and Mikayla share their story of how they found Jesus.

He lost his mother, she was barren... yet Jesus changes everything

Jesus Changes Everything

Kirby and Rachel share their story of trials, yet celebrate God's providential hand through their lives. He is not done writing their story.

She struggled with pride... yet Jesus changes everything

Jesus Changes Everything

Val shares her story of being saved as a young girl and growing through pride and struggles to the place she's at today.

He said the words but wasn't sincere... yet Jesus changes everything

Jesus Changes Everything

Mark shares his story of how he thought he was saved at a young age, but realized it was just shallow words.

They grieve the loss of their daughter... yet Jesus changes everything

Jesus Changes Everything

Jeremiah and Veronica share their story of how navigated the passing of their daughter and how God was their rock through it all.