
FLY 2023 Electives

Electives audio from FLY 2023

Race. What Does The Bible Say About It?

Adam Erickson

As a result of God's work of creation and recreation, there is no place for racism in a Christian worldview. We are all made in the image of God, and Christ died for us all. How can we address racism as Christians in talking with others?

Anxiety. How Do I Deal With It?

Pastor Matt Nelson

Anxiety and stress are often to related to such things as performance, looks, status, or friends. Anxiety is real, and the causes can be dealt with in ways that are healthy, God honoring, and Christ centered.

Loneliness. Are Relationships Really That Important?

Jen Holt

In a world of connection, people are more lonely now than ever. Why is that so prevalent? Are there consequences to living the lonely life? How can valuable relationships with God and others make a difference?

Value. Why Am I Valuable?

Pam Olson

Our value lies in that we are all fearfully and wonderfully made in God's image. True value can only be found through a living relationship with Jesus.

Church. Why Do I Need to Belong?

Pastor Andy Coyle

God's design for His church involves you; that's where He nurtures your faith which is vital to your spiritual health. Your attendance is only the beginning. How does being part of a congregation affect you and your faith?

Truth. Can Your Truth Be Different From My Truth?

Pastor Jason Gudim

There is one absolute truth; God's perfect law and teachings. There is no your truth or my truth. What you believe about truth will affect your faith, and how you live your life.

Love. How Do I Love Others Without Abandoning The Truth?

Pastor Micah Hjermstad

The words love, acceptance, and approval are often considered synonymous in our culture. Being armed with clear definitions of love and truth will help us to know how to love others without accepting or approving what they believe or do.

Sports. How Do I Live Out My Faith On The Field?

Logan Strand

Sports can be fun, and good. Sometimes sports can be something we love and find our identity in more than God, which then becomes idolatry. How does one balance faith and doing our best with competition and idolatry.

Creative Arts. How Can My Gifts Be Used To Glorify God?

Monica Coyle

How can my creative gifts reflect the beauty of Christ in a broken world? How can I join with Him in His work of restoration, as both an image-bearer and creator? What could it look like to steward my creative gifts for God's glory within the church and beyond?

Death. How To Deal With It?

Molly Barsness

Since the fall of mankind, we are constantly faced with the reality of death. Do we deny it or ignore it, or believe there will be eventually be a cure? We can deal with death by looking to the one who conquered the grave, and gives us hope and peace in the midst of grief and fear.

Forgiveness. How Do I Forgive Even When It Seems Impossible?

Jordan Langness

The Bible says to forgive and forget, but that's not as easy as it seems. How can I let go of hurt when the wrongs done to me are painful, perhaps even unimaginable? Forgiveness can happen, not in a way that will guilt you, but that will bring healing and health.

Guys Only. God Made You Relational. What Does That Look Like?

Pastor Aaron Olson

Girls Only. God Made You Relational. What Does That Look Like?

Emily Herset

Gender. What Does The Bible Say About Male and Female?

Pastor Justin Nelson

Religion. How Is The Christian Faith Different?

Pastor Nate Jore