
Sports. How Do I Live Out My Faith On The Field?

Logan Strand

Sports can be fun, and good. Sometimes sports can be something we love and find our identity in more than God, which then becomes idolatry. How does one balance faith and doing our best with competition and idolatry.

Race. What Does The Bible Say About It?

Adam Erickson

As a result of God's work of creation and recreation, there is no place for racism in a Christian worldview. We are all made in the image of God, and Christ died for us all. How can we address racism as Christians in talking with others?

Anxiety. How Do I Deal With It?

Pastor Matt Nelson

Anxiety and stress are often to related to such things as performance, looks, status, or friends. Anxiety is real, and the causes can be dealt with in ways that are healthy, God honoring, and Christ centered.

Loneliness. Are Relationships Really That Important?

Jen Holt

In a world of connection, people are more lonely now than ever. Why is that so prevalent? Are there consequences to living the lonely life? How can valuable relationships with God and others make a difference?