
He is Him

He Is Him Easter

March 31, 2024 • Pastor Ron Hoffman

The Unshakeable Truth of the Resurrection In the heart of Christian belief lies the unshakeable truth of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, a cornerstone that sets Christianity apart and offers hope to believers across the world. This profound event is not just a historical claim but a foundation upon which the entirety of Christian faith is built. The bold declaration that Christ is risen underpins our gatherings, our worship, and our very identity as followers of Jesus. Historical and Eyewitness Accounts The resurrection is supported by compelling evidence, including historical accounts and eyewitness testimonies. The Gospel of John 14:6 presents Jesus' own declaration of His identity and mission, saying, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." This affirmation by Jesus Himself is further validated by numerous eyewitnesses who encountered the risen Christ, transforming skeptics into believers and giving birth to the early church. The transformation of James, the brother of Jesus, from skeptic to leader in the Jerusalem church, as depicted in 1 Corinthians 15:7, underscores the power of the resurrection testimony. The Resurrection: A Rational Belief Far from being a blind leap into the dark, belief in the resurrection is a rational conclusion supported by a multitude of evidences. It challenges us to examine the claims of Christ and the testimonies of those who saw Him after His death. The reality of the empty tomb, coupled with the drastic changes in the lives of the disciples and early Christians, offers a compelling case for the truth of the resurrection. These changes are not merely recorded in scripture but corroborated by external historical sources, lending credence to the biblical narrative. Transformative Power of the Resurrection The resurrection of Jesus is not merely a historical event to be acknowledged; it is a transformative reality that has the power to change lives. Believers are called to live in the light of this truth, embodying the hope and renewal that comes from knowing Christ has conquered death. This knowledge inspires a life of worship, service, and a commitment to spreading the good news of the gospel to all corners of the earth. Responding to the Resurrection Today As we reflect on the evidence and significance of the resurrection, we are faced with a choice: to embrace the truth of Christ's victory over death and allow it to transform our lives, or to ignore the implications of this pivotal event. For those who choose to believe, the resurrection is a source of eternal hope, assurance, and motivation to live a life that honors God and reflects His love to others. This exploration of the resurrection invites believers and seekers alike to consider the claims of Christianity not as mere religious assertions but as historical realities with profound implications for our lives today. It calls us to a deeper faith, rooted in the evidence of history and the transformative power of God's love demonstrated through the resurrection of Jesus Christ.  

He Is Him Week 5

March 24, 2024 • Guest Speaker Mark Schutzius

The Reliability of Scripture: Anchoring Faith in Historical Truth   In a world teeming with questions and skepticism, the Christian faith stands on the foundational truth of Scripture's reliability. This conviction is not based solely on tradition or personal experience but is underpinned by a robust examination of historical evidence and logical reasoning. The dialogue around the trustworthiness of the Bible, especially in conversations with skeptics, prompts us to explore the depths of our faith and the basis upon which it rests.   Historical Corroboration: Testament to Scripture’s Authenticity   One compelling argument for the Bible's reliability comes from the historical documentation and archaeological findings that corroborate scriptural accounts. For instance, the narrative of Hezekiah, as described in **2 Kings 18:13**, aligns with historical records from the Assyrian king Sennacherib. This convergence of biblical and external history validates the Scriptural record, providing a tangible link between the faith narratives and historical reality. Such evidence challenges the skepticism surrounding the Bible’s depiction of history, affirming its status as a credible historical document.    The Manuscript Evidence: A Wealth of Confirmation   The New Testament's reliability is further bolstered by an unparalleled abundance of manuscript evidence. With over 5,600 Greek manuscripts, and thousands more in Latin and other languages, the New Testament stands as the most well-documented ancient text. This extensive manuscript tradition allows scholars to affirm the consistency and accuracy of the Biblical text across centuries, contrasting sharply with the limited manuscripts available for other ancient historical figures and events.   Literary Unity Across Time and Authors   The Bible’s internal consistency, despite being written over centuries by multiple authors, speaks to its divine inspiration and reliability. For example, the fulfillment of prophecies and the thematic continuity from the Old Testament to the New Testament showcase a remarkable unity that defies mere human coordination. This coherence across diverse genres and authors highlights the Bible's unique nature as a unified narrative revealing God’s plan for humanity.    Engaging with the Bible: A Call to Deeper Faith   For believers navigating a world of doubts and questions, the robust historical and manuscript evidence supporting the Bible's reliability serves as a foundation for faith. It invites us to engage with Scripture not just as a spiritual guide but as a historical document that withstands rigorous scrutiny. This perspective encourages a deeper exploration of faith, inviting believers and skeptics alike to consider the claims of Christianity with an open heart and mind.   The Bible as a Beacon of Truth   The journey through Scripture is more than an exploration of religious doctrine; it is a quest for truth anchored in historical reality. The evidence supporting the Bible's reliability is a testament to its divine origin and its power to speak into the lives of individuals across generations. As we reflect on the historical and manuscript evidence, let us approach the Bible with renewed reverence and confidence, embracing it as the living word of God, capable of transforming hearts and minds.   This reflection on the reliability of Scripture underscores the importance of grounding our faith in evidence and reason, fostering a belief that is both intellectually satisfying and spiritually enriching.  

He Is Him Week 4

March 17, 2024 • Guest speaker Greg Koukl

### The Intersection of Faith and Modern Dialogue   In an age where faith often finds itself at odds with a rapidly changing world, the essence of engaging in meaningful dialogue about our beliefs becomes more crucial than ever. The challenge isn't just in proclaiming what we believe but in articulating it in a way that resonates within the complexities of modern skepticism. It's about navigating conversations in a manner that doesn't just defend our faith but invites others into a reflective journey towards understanding.   ### The Role of Apologetics in Faith Conversations   Apologetics, the reasoned defense of the Christian faith, serves as a bridge between belief and skepticism, offering logical and historical grounds for the truths we hold dear. This method doesn't diminish the importance of faith but enriches it by providing a framework for understanding that is both intellectually robust and spiritually meaningful. As believers, we're called not only to hold fast to our convictions but to articulate them in a way that engages the skeptic's mind as well as the believer's heart.   ### The Reality of Eternity: A Central Theme of Faith   At the core of Christian doctrine is the reality of eternity, underscored by the stark contrasts between heaven and hell. **Luke 12** offers a poignant reflection on the temporal nature of life and the eternal consequences of our choices. Jesus' parable of the rich fool serves as a sobering reminder of the fragility of life and the folly of placing our hopes in temporal wealth and comfort. It challenges us to consider the ultimate question of where our true treasure lies, urging us to prioritize eternal values over fleeting worldly gain.   ### Engaging with Compassion and Conviction   The call to share our faith is not just a call to debate but a call to engage with compassion and conviction. It's about meeting skepticism with understanding, acknowledging the genuine questions and doubts that people face while pointing them towards the hope and truth found in Christ. Our conversations are not battles to win but opportunities to reflect Christ's love and grace, inviting others to explore the deeper questions of life, faith, and eternity.   ### Conclusion: The Invitation to Faithful Witness   As we navigate the challenges of sharing our faith in a skeptical world, let us do so with humility, wisdom, and a deep reliance on the Holy Spirit. Our goal is not merely to persuade but to bear faithful witness to the transformative power of the gospel. In a world hungry for truth and meaning, our lives and our words offer a beacon of hope, pointing towards the ultimate truth found in Jesus Christ. It's an invitation to journey together towards a deeper understanding and embrace of the faith that has the power to change hearts and lives forever.  

He Is Him Week 3

March 10, 2024 • Pastor Ron Hoffman

Pastor Ron Hoffman

He Is Him Week 2

March 3, 2024 • Pastor Tom Cobaugh

The Reality of Suffering and the Hope of Redemption In the landscape of Christian doctrine, the coexistence of a benevolent God with the reality of suffering and evil poses profound questions. This quandary, often encapsulated in the discourse on the problem of evil, challenges believers and skeptics alike to ponder the nature of divine justice and mercy. The Dichotomy of Evil and Divine Purpose Scriptural teachings, particularly in **Revelation 21:4**, offer insight into God's ultimate plan for humanity, a plan that encompasses the eradication of all pain, death, and sorrow. This promise of a future where "He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more," stands as a testament to the eventual triumph of good over evil, affirming the existence of a God who is both all-powerful and all-good. The Suffering Servant: A Model for Understanding The prophecy of **Isaiah 53:5**, depicting the suffering servant who was "pierced for our transgressions" and "crushed for our iniquities," further illustrates the depth of God's intervention in the human condition. This passage not only highlights the vicarious suffering of Christ but also emphasizes the redemptive purpose behind such suffering, offering a perspective that transcends mere human understanding. Engaging with Skepticism: A Call for Compassionate Discourse The challenge of engaging with skepticism requires a nuanced approach that extends beyond traditional apologetics. It calls for a compassionate discourse that acknowledges the complexities of human suffering while pointing to the hope and assurance found in the gospel. By grounding our discussions in scripture and the lived experience of faith, believers can navigate these conversations with grace and conviction.  The Journey Towards Understanding The journey of faith, especially in the face of adversity and doubt, is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the steadfastness of divine promise. In contemplating the mysteries of suffering and the assurances of redemption, believers are invited to deepen their trust in God's sovereign plan, embracing the hope that one day, all things will be made new.

He Is Him: Week 1

February 25, 2024 • Mark Mittleberg

Embracing the Path of Spiritual Resilience: A Christian Perspective on Overcoming Challenges In the midst of life's storms, when the winds howl and the waves threaten to overwhelm us, it is our faith that stands as a beacon of hope and resilience. Drawing inspiration from a profound sermon, we explore the essence of spiritual resilience from a Christian perspective, reflecting on the biblical teachings that guide us through trials and tribulations. The Foundation of Our Faith At the heart of spiritual resilience is our unwavering faith in Jesus Christ. The Bible reminds us, "Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ" (Romans 5:1). It is this peace, rooted in our justification by faith, that anchors us in times of adversity. Our faith is not a mere belief in positive outcomes; it is a deep-seated trust in God's sovereignty and His divine plan for our lives. Learning Through Trials James 1:2-4 encourages us, "Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance." This passage does not diminish the pain or difficulty of our trials but invites us to view them as opportunities for growth. Our challenges are not meaningless obstacles but instruments in God's hands, molding our character and deepening our faith. The Power of Prayer and Community In times of struggle, our prayer life becomes a vital source of strength. Philippians 4:6-7 instructs us, "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." Through prayer, we lay our burdens before the Lord, and in exchange, He offers us His peace, surpassing all understanding. Moreover, our Christian community plays a crucial role in supporting and uplifting one another. Galatians 6:2 tells us to "Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way, you will fulfill the law of Christ." Our shared faith and mutual encouragement are indispensable in navigating life's challenges. The Promise of God's Presence and Provision One of the most comforting assurances for a believer is the promise of God's constant presence. Hebrews 13:5 reminds us, "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you." Regardless of the circumstances, God is with us, guiding, protecting, and providing for our needs. His presence is a source of courage and peace, enabling us to face the unknown with confidence.  Conclusion As we reflect on the path of spiritual resilience, let us remember that our strength does not come from within ourselves but from our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. It is through Him that we can endure trials, overcome challenges, and emerge stronger in our faith. In the face of adversity, let us cling to the promises of God, draw near to Him in prayer, and support one another in love and fellowship. Together, with God as our guide, we can navigate the storms of life and walk in the victory that has been won for us through Christ Jesus.