
He Is Him Easter

March 31, 2024 • Pastor Ron Hoffman

The Unshakeable Truth of the Resurrection

In the heart of Christian belief lies the unshakeable

truth of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, a cornerstone that sets Christianity

apart and offers hope to believers across the world. This profound event is not

just a historical claim but a foundation upon which the entirety of Christian

faith is built. The bold declaration that Christ is risen underpins our

gatherings, our worship, and our very identity as followers of Jesus.


and Eyewitness Accounts

The resurrection is supported by compelling evidence,

including historical accounts and eyewitness testimonies. The Gospel of John

14:6 presents Jesus' own declaration of His identity and mission, saying,

"I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father

except through me." This affirmation by Jesus Himself is further validated

by numerous eyewitnesses who encountered the risen Christ, transforming

skeptics into believers and giving birth to the early church. The transformation

of James, the brother of Jesus, from skeptic to leader in the Jerusalem church,

as depicted in 1 Corinthians 15:7, underscores the power of the resurrection testimony.


Resurrection: A Rational Belief

Far from being a blind leap into the dark, belief in the

resurrection is a rational conclusion supported by a multitude of evidences. It

challenges us to examine the claims of Christ and the testimonies of those who

saw Him after His death. The reality of the empty tomb, coupled with the

drastic changes in the lives of the disciples and early Christians, offers a

compelling case for the truth of the resurrection. These changes are not merely

recorded in scripture but corroborated by external historical sources, lending

credence to the biblical narrative.


Power of the Resurrection

The resurrection of Jesus is not merely a historical

event to be acknowledged; it is a transformative reality that has the power to

change lives. Believers are called to live in the light of this truth,

embodying the hope and renewal that comes from knowing Christ has conquered

death. This knowledge inspires a life of worship, service, and a commitment to

spreading the good news of the gospel to all corners of the earth.


to the Resurrection Today

As we reflect on the evidence and significance of the

resurrection, we are faced with a choice: to embrace the truth of Christ's

victory over death and allow it to transform our lives, or to ignore the

implications of this pivotal event. For those who choose to believe, the

resurrection is a source of eternal hope, assurance, and motivation to live a

life that honors God and reflects His love to others.

This exploration of the

resurrection invites believers and seekers alike to consider the claims of

Christianity not as mere religious assertions but as historical realities with

profound implications for our lives today. It calls us to a deeper faith, rooted

in the evidence of history and the transformative power of God's love

demonstrated through the resurrection of Jesus Christ.


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