
The Greatest Church Problems Series: The Problem of False Teaching

July 23, 2024

Transcript: Another major problem plaguing the American Church is Fake News! Not only impacting the internet; it’s weakened the church. Hello, I’m Sam Rohrer with another Stand in the Gap Minute. As we continue considering the greatest problems facing the American church, false teaching is one of the biggest. 2 Peter 2:1 notes, “But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies.” Entire denominations have embraced unbiblical teachings to appear more inclusive, yet Peter noted these false teachings will bring “swift destruction.” We cannot compromise and expect God to bless the church. Instead, we’re called to hold fast to the truth, continuing in what we know is right as defined by God’s Word. Our good intentions must never include becoming like our culture, lest we become enablers of evil, promoters of heresy forcing God to spit us out. Discover more at American Pastors Network dot net.