
The Greatest Church Problems Series: Pride in the Church

July 24, 2024

Transcript: Did you know the first recorded death in the New Testament church resulted from the identical sin plaguing today’s American church? Hello, I’m Sam Rohrer with another Stand in the Gap Minute. In Acts 5, Ananias and Sapphira sold some property and gave the money to the church, but deceitfully keeping a portion for themselves. Both were judged by God with death. While we look at this story as a harsh punishment, the account addresses a common problem in today’s churches—the issue of pride and lying to the Holy Spirit. As we look at our own heart, it’s easy to spot ways we choose to look good among other Christians more than being honest with God. Well, what’s the answer? Certainly not waiting for God’s judgment! We’re called to humility before God and service to others. When we act obediently, we’ll discover not only the necessary discipline of God but the overwhelming blessing of God. Discover more encouraging resources at American Pastors Network dot net.