
Resisting Evil Series: Do Right Today

July 18, 2024

Transcript: We must all resist the lawlessness and the increasing evil in our nation today. Sometimes that’s refusing to bow to an immoral or ungodly government dictate. Sometimes it’s writing a letter to an elected official about how they should vote or letting them know we’re not happy with what they’ve done or not done. Sometimes it’s just refusing to think unbiblically though the ungodly culture would have us do otherwise. Hello, I’m Sam Rohrer with another Stand in the Gap Minute. As this world rushes to a 1 world anti-Christ government and undermines our constitution and attacks the right of Christians to live our lives and raise our children as the Bible says, then we must resist the evil and obey God rather than man. Don't back down when evil advances – because it is advancing. Raise up the standard of God’s word and do right where God has placed you today. Discover more at American Pastors Network dot net.