Life can be hard to navigate, but there are rules for the road of life that will help us get to our destination—our desired future.
Don’t Carry Unnecessary Baggage - Bonus Tip
May 21, 2023 • Pastor Shane Bengry • Matthew 11:28–30, 2 Corinthians 9:7, James 3:16–18, James 5:16, Ephesians 4:26–32
BONUS TIP: DON’T CARRY UNNECESSARY BAGGAGE. There is always a temptation to overpack. On a road trip, it’s no big deal. But on a life trip - it may be the biggest mistake you can make. Unnecessary baggage with slow you down and demand extra energy to lug it along. We need to let go of the unnecessary loads - Anger, Jealousy, Guilt, and Greed. If we can lay down these burdens, Jesus offers a us a hopeful promise: "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."
Plan for Rest Stops - Tip #5
May 14, 2023 • Pastor Shane Bengry • Hebrews 4:9–13
TIP #5 : PLAN FOR REST STOPS. Have you ever ran out of gas? Have you ever ignored the engine warning light on the dashboard? Have you ever been so tried of driving that you were falling asleep at the wheel? All of these occurrences happen when we don’t plan for rest stops. And they can have disastrous results to our journeys. On the road of life, we need to rest. The ancient Jews built a Sabbath rest into their weekly schedules: God rested on the 7th day - and the people of God should rest as well. Our culture runs hot and the noise & momentum rarely stop or slow down. But we still need rest - and if we don’t heed the need for a “Rest Stop,” we risk burn-out and terrible outcomes to our journeys. Pastor Shane will help you form a plan for SILENCE, SOLITUDE, SABBATH, and REST for your life journey.
Pay Attention to the Signs - Tip #4
May 7, 2023
Choose a Destination & Borrow a Map - Tip #3
April 30, 2023 • Pastor Shane Bengry • Philippians 3:10–17
TIP #3 : CHOOSE A DESTINATION & BORROW A MAP. Would you say you know where you’re planning to go? If so, where? Everybody ends up somewhere in life. Just as there are multiple legs to a long road trip, there are multiple seasons in life. It’s important to determine or choose a specific destination in each season of life. If we don’t choose, circumstances and people decide for us. Let me help you choose a destination and encourage you to borrow a map from someone else - in hopes that you can arrive at your destination safely and effectively.
TIP #2 : DON’T PICK UP STRANGERS. Do you have any strangers in your life? Is there anybody you do life with that makes you less healthy? People who might cause you to doubt yourselves, are they dismissive of your values, and, over time, you’ve found yourself becoming different when you are around them. That’s a stranger. You need to drop them off. God loves them, but you can’t handle them.