
Plan for Rest Stops - Tip #5

May 14, 2023 • Pastor Shane Bengry • Hebrews 4:9–13

TIP #5 : PLAN FOR REST STOPS.   Have you ever ran out of gas? Have you ever ignored the engine warning light on the dashboard? Have you ever been so tried of driving that you were falling asleep at the wheel?  All of these occurrences happen when we don’t plan for rest stops. And they can have disastrous results to our journeys. On the road of life, we need to rest. The ancient Jews built a Sabbath rest into their weekly schedules: God rested on the 7th day - and the people of God should rest as well. Our culture runs hot and the noise & momentum rarely stop or slow down. But we still need rest - and if we don’t heed the need for a “Rest Stop,” we risk burn-out and terrible outcomes to our journeys.  Pastor Shane will help you form a plan for SILENCE, SOLITUDE, SABBATH, and REST for your life journey.