
Seek His Face

January 2, 2022 • Josh Burt • 1 Samuel 3

What does God’s Voice sound like? What does it sound like to be “called” by God? What do we expect to “hear” from God? God is clear to what He expects from us and what we can expect from Him. He is clear as to the call for all those that Seek Him and is clear on how He wishes those that Seek Him to respond. Even in a time of “silence” or the seemingly unknown - God is there, God does not change, and His desires for those that seek Him all stay the same. God is our refuge, God is our rock, God is our redeemer. In Him we can be confident, in Him we can be comforted, in Him we can be concealed.

Seeking His Face should not lead us to stumble or fear - We should desire to be with Him. Ps. 27 says, “When You said, 'Seek My Face’ my heart said to You, ‘Your face, O Lord, I shall seek.’” Our willingness to seek Him should NOT be because of what we “get” from Him, but that He desires for us to seek Him. - See you Sunday

Pastor Josh

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