
Pressing Toward the Goal! - Philippians 3:12-14

January 7, 2024 • Mike Burt • Philippians 3:12–14

Happy New Year! 


How do we focus forward? Since only God knows the future it seems right to focus on the way He is looking – grace by faith in Christ alone. Sunday I will do two things: 1) give a brief update on the state and vision of Grace in leadership. 2) share with Grace the vision of Paul as he was looking back and around and forward. We too must be doing some of that – looking back at what God has done and being grateful and looking around at what God has at our hands to do for the Kingdom. Then too, looking forward to ministry here with Heaven in view! Sunday I will take us through some things that Grace is doing or plans to do. I will also take us into God’s Word to see the perspective God would have us take about future days – they all belong to Him!


Years ago I got a fortune cookie that had a short strip of advice – ‘If you chase two rabbits, you will not catch either one!’ I know the cookie was not inspired nor was it even original – long ago Paul told us in Philippians ‘This one thing I do!’. Sunday let's gather to listen to that ‘one thing’ that is most important for this year to come.

See you Sunday,

Pastor Mike