
Goals for God – Goals for Good - Proverbs 16

December 31, 2023 • Mike Burt • Proverbs 16

“For man proposes, but God disposes!” Thomas a Kempis

“Homo proponit, sed Deus disponit” (if you wanted it in Latin)


Reflection is what God intended though most often we call it meditation (the world reaches for medication). Reflecting is the base of these proverbs – making plans and seeking God’s will. Sunday I will just look at the first 6 verses to get us ready for the New Year and the end of the year time of Communion. God is the one who gave us times and seasons – to look around and see Him – to look back and make right – to look ahead to make plans. That is Sunday – let’s look around and thank Him for so great salvation as we celebrate communion. Let’s look back and see His blessings and things we missed. Let’s look ahead and set goals not to miss them again!

See you Sunday at 10am for New Year's Eve combined service!

Pastor Mike