
Faith Tested by Wisdom

July 24, 2022 • Mike Burt • James 3:13–18

James chapter 3, we're going to be looking Sunday at verses 13-18, and we're going to be looking at the issue of wisdom and the contrast between earthly wisdom and heavenly wisdom. There are two kinds of wisdom that James is going to talk us through. He's going to make them very clear and how different they truly are. The question is, which of those two: earthly wisdom or heavenly wisdom - is going to characterize us individually and which is going to characterize our church family?

The wisest possible thing anyone can do is to save their soul by faith in Jesus Christ. Conversely, the most foolish thing anyone can do is to lose their soul through neglect. This is the theme of the heavenly wisdom that comes down from Heaven to earth. Jesus said in Matthew 16, "What would it profit someone if he should gain the whole world and forfeit his soul? Or what would you give in exchange for your soul?"

It is the essence of wisdom that you spend eternity in Heaven through faith in Christ. And the most foolish thing you could do is to lose your soul for some earthly thing and spend eternity in torment, in anguish over your foolish choice. Therefore, Christ crucified, the message of the cross and of the empty tomb, is the centerpiece of the heavenly wisdom. It's the centerpiece of everything God has to say to us. In Colossians it says, "In Christ are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge."

Sunday we will be challenged about the choices we make – wise or foolish? See you Sunday!

Pastor Mike

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