
Truly Rich

August 14, 2022 • Josh Burt • James 5:1–12

This Sunday we look at the first part of James, Chapter 5. James describes two extremes and their impacts. Here we see the James points out two things… First that this world can distract us from God, and second NOTHING this world can do is worth distracting us from God. We see God’s protection, provision, and purpose in these verses. We are continually reminded of His love and leading for what is truly most important. I hope, the same, as every Sunday, that we leave seeking Him together! We will take a look at the lessons that James wrote about here and will seek to apply them in our life as well.

Patience is so hard! It is not just a hard lesson “learned” - it is hard to see the “purpose” of learning this lesson. Suffering is the same! But we are reminded of Christ in these times.

Hebrews 5:8 "Although He was God’s Son, He learned obedience through what He suffered.” - We can not look at suffering simply in terms of lacking, losing, or loathsome - We need to see it as LEARNING to walk as He did.

See you this Sunday!

Pastor Josh

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