
God with Joseph, God with you, God with us

November 27, 2022 • Denis Garijo • Matthew 1:18–25

" When no other ray of comfort could be found, light came from the promise of the wondrous birth of Him whose name is "God with us." Charles H. Spurgeon.
Since the Old Testament times, the promise of the “Emmanuel – God with us" has brought comfort and hope to all the people who put their trust in God. In Matthew chapter one, we see the birth of Jesus from Joseph's perspective and how challenging it was for him when he found that Mary was pregnant. This Sunday, we will explore his tough experience and how he found peace in the announcement of Emmanuel – God with us.   "Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel." Matthew 1:23
See you on Sunday!
Denis Garijo