November 10, 2023 • Blessing Onwuamah • John 15:15
‘Henceforth I call you not servants; for the servant knoweth not what his lord doeth: but I have called you friends; for all things that I have heard of my Father I have made known unto you.’
-John 15:15
In today’s busy world, do you find time for your children to have a heart-to-heart talk?
Do you make appointments to speak with your children weekly or biweekly where everything discussed would be about them?
Recently I started to do that and I discovered that my children looked forward to it. I would pick each child and say we will have Mummy time this weekend or next weekend. As the day approaches, they would begin to remind me.
When it is time, I would sometimes lie on my children’s bed and ask them what they wanted to do. It could be for me to play a game with them, watch a movie with them or they just had something private to share with me that has been burdensome to them.
By all means, it is fulfilling for me to focus my attention on one of them per time and discover what is happening in their inner lives, what their internal struggles are and where they need help.
Children need their parents to empathize with their struggles and cheer them on in this journey of life. When we can burst through that cool and calm exterior, we will discover their real self which they do not exhibit when everyone is in the room.
Friendship with them does not mean to lower our standards or value, it means to explain the whys and the impact of their obedience in the now and future.
How can you start to make more room to spend quality time with your child today? The relationship you build will form a long-lasting life-long connection with them.
Prayer Moment
• Father, I thank you the gift of children you have given me.
• Lord, give me the grace to build friendship with my children
• Lord, help me to love them the way you want me to in Jesus name.
• Father, make me a wise parent and help me to build up and not tear down my children.
• Lord, I ask for grace to spend quality time with my children and not take them for granted in Jesus name.
• Lord, give me the grace to continually see my children as gifts and not as a burden.
• Father, teach me to treasure my children and create time for each one in Jesus name. Amen.
Think Over it
What is God saying to me today?
Mummy As A Warrior
November 9, 2023 • Blessing Onwuamah • Acts 18:18
The inhabitants of the villages ceased, they ceased in Israel, until that I Deborah arose, that I arose a mother in Israel..’ -Acts 18:18
Warring as a Mom!
There will be many times would have to war over our children. It may not necessarily be throwing physical missiles around but we would have to win battles over our children.
It should be relationships that you know are not good for your children, there would be decisions we would take to ensure their destinies are protected.
Some battles would be fought on our knees in prayers, others would be fought by instructions and deliberate interference in the lives of our children.
If your child is following peers that have bad habits, we don’t just sit down and leave them to make their choices, we instruct and sometimes, would place boundaries where possible to save their future.
“I assure you and most solemnly say to you, whatever you bind [forbid, declare to be improper and unlawful] on earth shall have [already] been bound in heaven, and whatever you loose [permit, declare lawful] on earth shall have [already] been loosed in heaven.” - Matt 18:18 (AMP). (Emphasis mine)
Anything that is improper in the lives of our children, we shall stand against it in prayer and instruction and trust God for victory.
May God give us the strength to arise like Deborah to restore life in our homes in Jesus name. Amen!
Prayer Moment
• Lord, help me to arise and say no to every form of evil in my children’s life.
• Jesus, train my hands for war and my fingers to battle according to your word in Jesus name. Amen.
• Lord Jesus, thank you for the opportunity to allow and disallow in my children’s life.
• Lord, help me to use my armour well and timely in Jesus name.
• Father, give me the grace to be a warrior mom in prayer, in action and in love in Jesus name.
• Father, I pray that my home will always be victorious in Jesus name. Amen.
Think Over it
What is God saying to me today?
How To Help Your Child Deal With Negative Influences Masterclass by Oluseye Ashiru
November 10, 2023 • Oluseye Ashiru
The "Helping Your Child Deal With Negative Influences Masterclass" with Oluseye Ashiru is an educational opportunity for parents and guardians.
This masterclass equips you with insights and strategies to protect your child from negative influences. Learn to recognize, address, and mitigate these impacts, fostering open communication and resilience.
Be your child's guiding light in navigating challenges and preserving their well-being. Join this masterclass to empower your child to make positive choices in today's complex world.
Mummy As A Negotiator
November 8, 2023 • Blessing Onwuamah • Ecclesiastes 3:1
‘To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven’
- Ecclesiastes 3:1
You need negotiation skills.
Negotiation takes skills and empowers both parties if done properly.
When we were growing up, most of us didn’t do negotiation with our parents. There were no options. It was either you obeyed them or disobeyed and face the consequences.
However, in our time as parents, we notice that parenting has evolved. We can actually negotiate with our children so that they know their boundaries and why the boundaries are there.
For example, my 14-year-old son likes to play with his phone whenever he is home on holiday from boarding school but we negotiate times to submit his phone back to us daily. This is to remind him that playing on the phone is not all that there is to life. There is work, family time, devotion, chores etc. to get done daily.
Even for 4-8 year olds, we can apply the same principle, if you get play time, you also get to arrange your play area daily. We talk about it and agree.
We can negotiate and agree on acceptable behaviour and the boundaries to be kept. That way, every person has their needs met. It is important that we keep our ends of the bargain as it would be credibility for the future. God help us!
That said, we must also acknowledge that not all things are negotiable. Values are non-negotiable in raising our children such as our relationship with God, courtesy to parents and elders, honesty and so on because you intend to pass it down to your generation.
Are you struggling in this area? Bring it to Jesus today.
Prayer Moment
• Lord, I thank you for the privilege of being a mother.
• Father, I ask for grace to negotiate when necessary with my children.
• Lord Jesus, let godly values never be negotiable in my home in Jesus name.
• Thank you Lord, in Jesus name. Amen
Think Over it
What is God saying to me today?
Mummy As A Teacher
November 7, 2023 • Blessing Onwuamah • 2 Timothy 1:5
‘I remember your sincere and unqualified faith [the surrendering of your entire self to God in Christ with confident trust in His power, wisdom and goodness, a faith] which first lived in [the heart of] your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice, and I am confident that it is in you as well.’ - 2 Tim 1:5 (AMP)
What are you teaching your children?
In the story of Timothy, Lois and Eunice, we see something profound.
The faith in Lois did not transfer to Eunice by Bluetooth, neither did it transfer to Timothy by genes. No, it was taught.
We have to be able to pass on who God is to our children, teaching them God’s ways so that they can serve him purely out of their decision.
In the book of Judges, that was the reason why the children of God went into captivity in that generation because they did not know the word of the Lord.
Their parents didn’t teach them and as a result they were in bondage to their enemies.
Let’s pray!
Father, thank you for giving me the opportunity to teach my children.
Help me Lord to pass on the victories and the lifestyle of a believer to my children in Jesus name. Amen
Lord, I ask for wisdom to teach relevant skills to my children so that they can indeed be pillars in their generation in Jesus name.
Father, I pray that my children will not be bereft of knowledge that will increase and distinguish them in Jesus name.
Lord, show me practical ways to teach my children the truth of your word in Jesus name. Amen
Father, I declare that my children will listen to my voice in Jesus name.
The voice of the stranger they will not hear in Jesus name.
Lord, let my life be a good example to instruct my children on how to live, love, learn and progress in Jesus name we have prayed. Amen.
Prayer Moment
Lord, just as you have promised that my children shall be taught of the Lord, please teach them in Jesus name.
Lord, in any way my teaching before now was deficient, please send people into their lives to cover that area in Jesus name. Amen.
Thank you, Lord, for always being faithful. For always moving mightily on my behalf and for being my very present help in time of trouble.
Think Over it
What is God saying to me today?
Mummy As A Nurturer
November 6, 2023 • Blessing Onwuamah • Exodus 2:2
‘And the woman conceived, and bare a son: and when she saw him that he was a goodly child, she hid him three months’. -Exodus 2:2
Nurturing means to care for and protect (someone or something) while they are growing.
So much nurturing goes into raising children, from when they are born, (total dependence on us for nearly everything) until when they become co-dependent and then interdependent before they get to the independent stage.
It is natural for us as mothers to nurture and so we do that effortlessly regardless of laid down principles. However, there are parts of nurturing we must imbibe for our children to be well-rounded.
In these evil days one of the ways to care for our children is to always bring the biblical aspect of every activity to the fore so that the word of God is ingrained in them.
For example, when I watch tv with my children I would always speak on what is being shown and relate it side by side with what the bible says.
This is to care for their spirit man because there is so much junk out there and it is foolhardy to think we will always be there when our children are exposed to these things. Hence, we give them the principles through instructions and support them to make the right choices.
Another way to nurture in terms of protection is internet protection. Being able to place some sort of bar on what they can access and sites that are inaccessible letting them know that it is for their protection. A very intentional mom once told me that she installed some internet security on her children’s phone. One of her preteens asked her why she did that, and she replied ‘it is for your protection’.
They may not understand the impact of what they watch but we know better hence, we will protect them. May the Lord give us grace to nurture our children well in Jesus name. Amen.
Prayer Moment
• Heavenly Father, I thank you for the gift of relationships in my life.
• I am truly sorry for the many unspoken but felt expectations that I have had of my friends and loved ones, that have been unrealistic and unhealthy.
• Open my eyes and my heart as I evaluate my expectation of others. Help me to see where it lacks faith and wisdom. Show me areas where I need to change. Conform my expectations and hopes to your expectations.
• Lord, I thank you for your grace. Help me to extend grace beyond myself when situations and people in my life fall short of my expectations. Amen.
Think Over it
What is God saying to me today?
Flourish Week 10 Intro
November 5, 2023 • Blessing Onwuamah • Genesis 18:19
‘For I know him, that he will command his children and his household after him, and they shall keep the way of the Lord, to do justice and judgment; that the Lord may bring upon Abraham that which he hath spoken of him’
- Gen 18:19
As parents, God has given us the rare privilege of having our children fashion their lives after us. We are their very first models our children see, and our home is the first agent of socialization. It is therefore important that we ourselves have a relationship with our heavenly Father so that they can naturally come to God for themselves since they see us model it.
In this regard, it is important that we pray with them and not just for them. Involve them during bible studies and let them see you seek God on your own.
Our lifestyle in and out of the home also speaks volumes. The way we treat people can easily be picked up by just watching. In psychology, there is a theory called Social Learning Theory where a mentor teaches by doing.
As parents we are constantly teaching our children by what we do. Let our doing be intentional with their future in mind so that they can make the right choices now. It is never too late to model the right behaviour for our children to follow. For example, how to handle stressful situations, healthy ways of expressing anger, how to handle criticism, how to handle pressure, praise and admiration, how to behave in comfortable or uncomfortable situations and so on.
When we make mistakes, it is also okay t admit to our children that we made mistakes so they can learn from it. May we be positive role models to our children in Jesus name. Amen
Blessing Onwuamah
Teaching Positive Habits
November 3, 2023 • Ezinne Eziagu • Philippians 4:8
Finally, believers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable and worthy of respect, whatever is right and confirmed by God’s word, whatever is pure and wholesome, whatever is lovely and brings peace, whatever is admirable and of good repute; if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think continually on these things [center your mind on them, and implant them in your heart].
Philippians 4:8 (AMP)
Habits are routine of behaviors that is done repeatedly and can occur without knowing. Habits are routine behaviors; meaning it takes form and builds up over time.
Children are said to pick up the negative habits early in life but what does the scripture say? God has entrusted these ones and as parents, we must not believe worldly systems or copy them. We must enforce scriptures over the children and trust God to help them.
We need to be vigilant to call out any negative habit we have seen growing in them and never overlook it. God has admonished us to be vigilant and not ignorant of the devices of the enemy. As we become intentional in this area, God’s help remains abundant in Jesus’ name.
Some positive habits we can teach our children:
• Habit of consistent prayer as it is the weapon of warfare. We can show them by living it as an example.
• Teach them to have a routine of personal devotion
• Teach them a habit of gratitude
• Teach them the habit of studying positive books and the word of God
• Teach them the habit of healthy eating and wellness.
Most habits are learnt by observation, so we as parents must set godly examples so our children will live them out.
Prayer Moment
• Dear Father, I receive grace to teach my children positive habits.
• Lord, I receive grace to live by example.
• My children will build lovely, pure habits in their lifetime. Amen.
• I am an exemplary parent and I live by what I teach my children. I am godly example teaching positive habits to my children through my lifestyle.
• My children constantly develop positive habits and serving the purposes of the Lord in their lifetime. Thank you, Jesus.
Teach About Friendships
November 2, 2023 • Ezinne Eziagu • Proverbs 13:20
‘He who walks [as a companion] with wise men will be wise,
But the companions of [conceited, dull-witted] fools [are fools themselves and] will experience harm’. -Proverbs 13:20 AMP
As parents it is important that we teach our children the importance of choosing their friends and growing friendships.
The focus scripture talks about two types of friendship and how they can impact a person. We have wise and foolish friends, and each one has an outcome. Our children are vulnerable and must be protected, and this is why we must teach them about friendships.
While teaching them friendship, let us remind them to consider the future and not just the present when choosing their friends. An adage says “show me your friend and I will tell you who you are”. This is very important as most times we become like the company we keep, and the children need to understand this.
Here are a few things to help you teach your children about friendship:
Make friends with wise and you will be wise. Wise friends make you wise. Iron sharpens iron.
Your circle of friends determines most outcomes in life.
Role-play how to be a good friend.
Explain the meaning of true friendship
Teach them social skills-this bolsters friendship
Above all, let them know they can talk to God to bring them covenant friendships.
Let us play our parts as parents so our children will stand on a firm foundation in life.
Prayer Moment
Father, I pray that you bring godly friendship to my children.
My children shall keep friendship with the wise and they shall become wise in Jesus’ name. Amen
I am grateful for the godly relationship you are bringing my children’s way.
My children will be intentional of their friendship all the days of their lives. Amen
I am grateful that you have given the help I need to teach my children about friendship.
Teach Good Manners
November 1, 2023 • Oyinola Ogungbe • 2 Corinthians 8:21
‘For we aim at what is honorable not only in the Lord’s sight but also in the sight of man.’
- 2 Corinthians 8:21
Good manners modeled in the home can go a long way toward teaching our children that God has expectation from them to do what is right not only in His sight but also before others.
Our children are a reflection of us their parents, they will learn by our example not our advice.
Good manners are just a way of showing other people we have respect for them and teaching our children good manners is teaching them about kindness, consideration and respect.
Here are a few good Manners to teach our children:
• Saying 'Please' and 'Thank You'. This is one of the first basic manners to teach children
• Asking before taking anything.
• Saying 'I am Sorry' when they have done something wrong
• Knocking on doors before entering.
• Covering one's mouth when sneezing, yawning or coughing
• Saying 'Excuse Me'
• Not Making Fun of People
• Phone Etiquette.
Let’s remind them that good manners will open doors that the best education cannot, and when they exhibit good manners in their conduct, they are representing God and their family as well
Prayer Moment
Dear Father,
- Lord, you are a good and loving parent, please help my children to learn from you in Jesus name.
- Lord help our children to be true ambassadors of God and His kingdom, representing God and their family well in Jesus name.
- I am grateful for the resources that continue to show up to help me be a great parent.
- My children honour the Lord when they serve God and serve others as well.
How To Help Your Child Deal With Failure Masterclass by Omeyi Yangs
November 3, 2023 • Omeyi Yangs
The "How To Help Your Child Deal With Failure Masterclass" hosted by Omeyi Yangs is a transformative learning experience for parents and caregivers.
This masterclass is designed to equip you with essential tools and strategies to guide your child through the challenges of failure and setbacks in life. Omeyi Yangs, a seasoned expert in child development and parenting, will provide invaluable insights on how to create a supportive and nurturing environment for your child, enabling them to navigate failure, learn from their experiences, and ultimately grow stronger.
Whether your child is facing academic struggles, social setbacks, or personal disappointments, this masterclass will empower you with the knowledge and skills to help them build resilience and self-confidence. Prepare to become a pillar of support and encouragement for your child as they learn to turn failure into a stepping stone towards future success. Join this masterclass and discover how to be your child's most significant source of guidance and inspiration during challenging times.
Teaching Chores To Your Kids
October 31, 2023 • Oyinola Ogungbe • Psalm 63:1
“O God, you are my God; earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you; my flesh faints for you, as in a dry and weary land where there is no water.”
-Psalm 63:1
As parents we erroneously believe how children are not old enough, big enough or ready enough to take on certain tasks. And even when the child offers to do this, we are already encumbered in our mind with thoughts of how they will create an even bigger mess from clearing the initial mess.
But how will they learn if we keep holding them back?
It is often said that practice makes perfect.
When we instruct a child to do a chore such a clean up their toys, or tidy their room, it is an opportunity to do something for the Lord. And in serving others, the child is serving Jesus especially when the chore is done with a good attitude and not acting up.
When children help out with assigned chores, it portrays their obedience, and when done with a good attitude, ensures the job is done carefully and excellently too.
A few things to consider to teach our children to do chores
• Choose age-appropriate chores, allow younger children do simple tasks.
• Consider the timing of chores for kids, you can use a chore calendar so this fits into a routine for them.
• Recognize a job well done, appreciate their efforts and consider a reward system.
• Include all family members in chores and make room for them to have fun while doing it.
We must be good examples to our children, not lazy in our attitude so they learn from us as we teach and train them in the way of the Lord, serving always with a good attitude.
Prayer Moment
- Lord, I receive grace to be a good example to my children, I am not slotful or lazy.
- My children are taught of the Lord and great is their peace
- I am a patient parent, and I teach my children by my actions. My children do their chores willingly and cheerfully.
- My children honours the Lord when they serve God and serve others as well.
- Our home is orderly and organised because everyone is willing to contribute to maintaining order.
Teaching Kids Devotion To God
October 30, 2023 • Ezinne Eziagu • Jeremiah 29:13
"You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart." –
-Jeremiah 29:13
Pursuing God Passionately.
Teaching our children devotion to God is something that parents must see as very important and wait on the Holy Spirit move in their hearts and lives.
Our children need to be reminded what God says about devotion - devotion to God is love, loyalty and enthusiasm for God. Let them know that God expects total devotion to Him, and they don’t need to have anything that takes the place of God in their lives.
You can start teaching your children, devotion to God using these tips:
Make teaching God’s truth- His word a priority in your home.
Live God’s truth in front of your children- let them know how much you love God. You can talk about someone you don’t have a relationship with.
You can get children’s bible and devotionals for them and read with them daily.
Pray together as a family.
Make a habit to bring them to the company of other believers in children or other spiritual gathering.
Above all, let them know what God expects of them.
Enjoy God’s Goodness Together
Prayer Moment
Dear Father, give me wisdom on how to teach my children devotion to God. Father, let me live out the truth in God’s word.
My children will be devoted to you in Jesus’ name. Amen
Father, I declare that I and the children you have given me will serve you all the days of our lives. This is our confession and our faith. Glory to God.
Flourish Week 9 Intro
October 28, 2023 • Ezinne Eziagu • Psalm 127:3
‘…..Children are heritage of the Lord……’
Psalm 127:3
Anytime I read this verse it sounds more like a statement of caution, God reminding me that the child in my care is not mine. Beloved, God has entrusted His treasured ones to us and come to think of it, you have been chosen to nurture them. That gets me so excited, and I wonder how blessed I am to assume such responsibility.
Now the question remains, what are we doing to ensure these children fulfill God’s purpose in life?
It can’t just be about the nice clothes, vacations, toys and schoolwork. There is more!
In this week’s learning, we will be seeing what we can do for our children to flourish. We will look at things like teaching them good manners, positive habits, devotion to God, friendships and the likes are the few things that we will be learning as the Lord helps.
I pray that our hearts will be opened to the things God will be highlighting to us as we journey this week.
Don’t forget that you have been chosen to charter the course of the child (ren) in your care. What a blessing!
Remain immensely blessed.
Ezinne Eziagu
October 27, 2023 • Blessing Onwuamah
‘Moreover he said, I am the God of thy father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. And Moses hid his face; for he was afraid to look upon God.,’
– Exo 3:6
What is Legacy?
When you hear of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, what comes to your mind?
Abraham begat Isaac, who begat Jacob, there was a transference of blessings in their lives.
From the dictionary, legacy means ‘an amount of money or property left to someone in a will’ or ‘something transmitted by or received from an ancestor or predecessor or from the past’
Abraham left the blessings for his son Isaac, who left it for Jacob. Jacob’s name was turned to Israel and for everyone who have given their lives to Jesus, we are the spiritual Israel. We have a generational blessing running in us.
Jesus said ‘Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.’ – John 14:27
What are you leaving for your children?
Some people are leaving a bad reputation for their children to erase for them, debts, disgraceful inheritance etc. There was a politician who once dressed in feminine clothes to escape the law. I can only imagine how his children were perceived when they called their names in public.
Blessings, a good name, riches, favour, faith in Jesus, properties, solid family values, strong positive character traits These are what I would like to leave for my children. Care to join me? Legacy should be planned for and deliberately passed on.
Let’s pray about it for a moment.
Lord, help me leave a positive legacy for my children, make my name great in Jesus name. Father, let the positive legacy I live for my children never be spoilt in Jesus name. Amen
Prayer Moment
Father, I thank you for the opportunity to leave a legacy for a generation. Help me do it well in Jesus name. Amen
Lord, remove shame from my generation and every negative legacy that was passed down to me. Father, separate me from every negative legacy in Jesus name.
Father, I plead the blood of Jesus over my life and family in Jesus name. Amen.