Teaching Chores To Your Kids

Week 9 Day 42

October 31, 2023 • Oyinola Ogungbe • Psalm 63:1

“O God, you are my God; earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you; my flesh faints for you, as in a dry and weary land where there is no water.”

-Psalm 63:1

As parents we erroneously believe how children are not old enough, big enough or ready enough to take on certain tasks. And even when the child offers to do this, we are already encumbered in our mind with thoughts of how they will create an even bigger mess from clearing the initial mess. 

But how will they learn if we keep holding them back?

It is often said that practice makes perfect. 

When we instruct a child to do a chore such a clean up their toys, or tidy their room, it is an opportunity to do something for the Lord. And in serving others, the child is serving Jesus especially when the chore is done with a good attitude and not acting up.

When children help out with assigned chores, it portrays their obedience, and when done with a good attitude, ensures the job is done carefully and excellently too.

A few things to consider to teach our children to do chores

• Choose age-appropriate chores, allow younger children do simple tasks.

• Consider the timing of chores for kids, you can use a chore calendar so this fits into a routine for them.

• Recognize a job well done, appreciate their efforts and consider a reward system.

• Include all family members in chores and make room for them to have fun while doing it.

We must be good examples to our children, not lazy in our attitude so they learn from us as we teach and train them in the way of the Lord, serving always with a good attitude.

Prayer Moment

- Lord, I receive grace to be a good example to my children, I am not slotful or lazy.

- My children are taught of the Lord and great is their peace


- I am a patient parent, and I teach my children by my actions. My children do their chores willingly and cheerfully.

- My children honours the Lord when they serve God and serve others as well.

- Our home is orderly and organised because everyone is willing to contribute to maintaining order.