
The Belt of Truth: Psalm 138

November 1, 2024 • Pastor Andrew Belt • Psalm 138

Psalm 138-145 is the final set of psalms attributed to David before the final Doxology of psalms 146-150

In this psalm, David debases himself in the sight of all before God, thanking him, and praising his glory through his name and Word that God has exalted above all.

And what is this glory? How is it defined? That God’s glory saves the lowly, but does not know those who consider themselves high. This is Christ on the cross. The one lifted high is so lifted on the cross. The one ascended to heaven is the one brought low. And therefore knows the lowly. That is God’s glory that we come to know and experience through his Word. The Word made flesh. 

As a result, David trusts in God’s promises as most of trouble, knowing God will preserve him on the basis of his steadfast love.