
The Belt of Truth: Psalm 149

December 16, 2024 • Pastor Andrew Belt • Psalm 149

In the penultimate Psalm, Psalm 149, continues the theme of praise of 146-150.

Here God’s people praise their Maker and their King. The idea of King has gone through a transformation and fulfillment in this book. With the rise and fall of David’s line to God himself combining the promise of David’s Son with himself. So that it is God and man who rule. This is Jesus Christ our Lord.

As a result of God’s triumph and gift, God’s people are free to praise God. They, as Paul puts it, will make every thought captive to Christ. Spiritual warfare has been in the background of nearly all these psalms and that continues here. God’s people will reign with Christ and Christ will raise up his lowly people. And our praise is the sword we wield in the present age. 

And the day is coming, where Christ will come again in his glory and his people will sit and even judge the angels.