
The Belt of Truth: Psalm 139:1-12

November 4, 2024 • Pastor Andrew Belt • Psalm 139:1–12

God’s knowledge of us is complete and Psalm 139 spells out that in as many verses as it has. This thought is wonderful and glorious as it is terrifying. This puts us in our place, boxes us in, and makes us realize that God is God and we are not. 

We also find out that God’s knowledge of the future is as known in the distant past. That before he made us he knew us. We find that we are fearfully and wonderfully made. 

Finally this psalm leads us to a shocking turn. There are enemies that the psalm asks God to slay. Given the context of the psalm it causes us to realize the depth of the treachery of sin and its evil that it could arrogantly think to plot against God. 

Confident of the Lord’s knowledge of his himself, the psalmist prays for vindication on the sight of God.