
The Moment A Murderer Became a Minister

June 16, 2024 • Trey Van Camp • Genesis 15:6, Psalm 106:28–31, Acts 9:1–19, Philippians 3:4–9, 2 Corinthians 12:9

In Acts 9 we meet Saul, a murderer and enemy of the new Christian movement. Saul has built his life around what he believes is the righteous way of God: zealously eradicating evil from the world. But then, in a moment, Saul is transformed. He meets the risen Jesus and learns that the righteousness of God doesn’t come by our earthly power, violence, or force. Instead, it comes through Christ. God in human flesh, coming to take our punishment and suffer violence on our behalf. We can learn from Saul by accepting our own brokenness and inability to achieve righteousness. Like Saul, we learn that to be a follower of Jesus is to let him be a warrior for us against sin and evil. Jesus is our only hope and confidence.

Acts 9:1-19 CSB