When Peter walks into the house of Cornelius, a Roman Gentile who follows the Jewish God Yahweh, everything about the gospel movement changes. Until this point, the gospel was good news for the Jews; their long-awaited Messiah had come to the world to rescue them from Sin, Satan, and Death. But now, this good news is opened up to include even the worst pagan Gentiles. Jesus isn’t just the Savor of the Jews, he’s the Savior of the whole world. Just like Peter must realize how big and inclusive this good news is, we too must learn what it means to preach and proclaim the gospel to everyone around us. By confronting our own biases and committing to the global movement of the gospel, we too can participate in the story of salvation that God has been telling since the beginning of time.
The Gospel to the Gentiles
July 7, 2024 • Caleb Martinez • Acts 10:23–48
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