
Celebration Sunday (11am)

April 30, 2023 • Keith Doyle, Senior Pastor

Child Dedication

Child Dedication Services give parents of young children a formal, public opportunity to dedicate their child to the Lord. They recognize their child as a gift from God. The parents publicly commit to providing a nurturing environment that encourages their child to receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and to develop an ongoing relationship with Him. The church family commits to support the parents as they disciple their child. We are excited to pray for Rejoice Sanner (Timothy & Lydia), Sophia Anderson (Chase & Amanda), Hazel Dibble (Daniel & Lacey). Elizabeth Lenz (David & Mary), Bennett Marthaler (James & Sarah), and Thaddeus Plitt (Ben & Mercedes).


We believe, in accordance with the Lord’s command, Christians should be baptized as a public declaration of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Through baptism, Christians are proclaiming the spiritual reality of our death to sin and resurrection to new life in Christ. Believers being baptized: Tanner Anevicius, Joseph Lang, Samuel Lang, Chara Thompson, Alexander Fude, and Sam Pausig.